Capital Structuring & Investment Formation

We help clients restructure and form legal structures to protect their interests.

Our partners, armed with real world experience can facilitate or advise a fiduciarily sound course of action to make sure you are able to utilize all legal frameworks available to you whilst staying on the right side of the law. 

Often our clients find themselves stuck in a problematic situation stemming from acting on investment advice given without due care for long term management and administration.

Legal frameworks operate internationally. As such, it is important to address the legal and liability issues that can stem from poorly formed or ill conceived corporate structures.

Having a vetted platform based on real world results allows our clients to feel confident their chosen path won't be bereft of exit options in the future.

Hutton Clarke forges long term relationships, and as such is not in the business of short-sighted schemes that will leave you scrambling for solutions once regulatory frameworks shift.